Dr. Cheri Plett

You are designed to thrive in all areas of life.

My purpose is to support you with programs, services and resources to help you live your highest potential. 

"Progress occurs when courageous,

skillful leaders seize the opportunity

to change things for the better."

~Harry Truman~


My leadership philosophy is that people thrive when they are given autonomy to create, opportunity for growth, and encouragement to develop strong connections.

As a professional in leadership and talent development, my experience has included employment by local academic institutions, non-profits and corporate organizations.

Having a Business degree gives me a solid foundation in how the functional areas of a business work together to drive bottom-line results for my clients.

Earning an M.A. is Educational Technology from Pepperdine Universityā€™s school of Education and Psychology deepened my understanding of how to develop programs and environments that encourage people to grow and develop their full potential.

An Ed.D in Organizational Leadership and Development equipped me with an understanding of how an organizationā€™s culture is a key element in their long-term success. When an organization's people thrive, the bottom-line results naturally follow.

Education and Certifications

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Earning an Ed.D in Organizational Leadership with an emphasis in Organizational Development gave me a deep understanding of the role individual employees play in organizational success.

My dissertation focused on how different types of organizational cultures impact employee engagement. 

Having an M.A. in Educational Technology from Pepperdine University’s school of Education and Psychology deepened my understanding of how to develop programs and work environments that encourage people to grow and develop their full potential.

My B.A. in General Business gave me a solid foundation in understanding how both the people and functional areas of a business work together to drive bottom-line results. 

Coaching is an experiential and highly personalized process that supports and advances your capacity to achieve short and long-term goals.

The coach’s role is to create a process and environment where you can explore issues deeply, think differently, and then create solutions to complicated challenges.

Our coaching relationship is always guided by mutual trust and respect.

I help organizations improve their business using a unique inside-out approach. This proprietary program is based on the work of researcher, neuroscientist, and best-selling author, Dr. Joe Dispenza, using models for the neuroscience of change.

Gain in-depth insight into your employees’ strengths and inherent personality to help you develop robust leadership development programs, enhance group dynamics, target and grow talent, and increase hiring success. MBTI is a globally recognized, research-based assessment that provides a framework for people development and organizational success.

Learn the skills for communicating when the stakes are high, opinions vary, and emotions run strong.


Participants learn the dialogue skills demonstrated by top performers—skills that help you talk with anyone about anything to reach alignment and agreement on important matters.


These skills turn in to behaviors that improve decision making, commitment to action, productivity, and relationships.


Consistent behaviors lead to organizations, teams, and individuals developing high-performance cultures based on trust and respect.

Learn the step-by-step processes and skills to hold others accountable and improve performance.


Participants learn how to talk about violated expectations in a way that yields two-way accountability and allows further progress to be made.


Consistent application of the skills leads to faster problem-solving, decision-making, and conflict resolution.


When issues are resolved and focus is restored, productivity increases, relationships are strengthened, and high-performance cultures are formed.

Interaction Management is an award-winning, comprehensive, competency-based leadership development system.

Increase the emotional intelligence of your leaders and individual contributors using the STAR approach to provide effective feedback.

IM leadership training can transform managers into the exceptional leaders your organization needs them to be,


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